Programmes for teachers
Job shadowing
An excellent way for teachers, trainers or professionals to exchange experiences, expand their network to a European level or gain insights into work and training practices abroad. It is also a very effective way of learning and acquiring new abilities and skills.
We can organize job-shadowing activities for teachers and trainers in numerous sectors, and guided visits to other organizations and companies in order to provide a complete exchange of knowledge, forms of learning and other teaching methods.
The experience includes:
meetings with professionals in your sector.
visits to companies and institutions.
seminars on many different subjects and fields.
cultural activities and touristic visits.
We organise full board accommodation, transport, etc.

In the frame of Erasmus+, Eurolinks offers a wide range of training courses and activities in order to improve teachers’ skills with the inclusion of modern methodologies in their daily teaching.
Our courses are taught by qualified professional experts in each field. We have psychologists, learning coaches and native language teachers.
We have already developed several courses such as creative methods of teaching, how to improve students’ motivation, integration of immigrant students through the use of an intercultural methodology, information and communication technologies (ICT) in the classroom, relaxation and mindfulness techniques, and Spanish and English courses.